Energetic Hygiene

What is Energetic Hygiene?

Just like we keep our environments, clothing and our bodies clean for health and sanitary purposes, there are also practices to protect and clear our aura and energy bodies.

Whether we directly experience it or not, we are all living in an energetic universe that extends beyond just physical density.

Thoughts and feelings carry vibrations, especially when they are strong or repeated. These frequencies can linger and impact the space, as well as people and animals nearby.

We have all had the experience of: walking into a place that feels “off”, coming into a room after an argument and feeling the tension in the room, or getting a “bad vibe” from a person.

Consciousness has a substance to it and the density and vibration of that varies greatly depending on the quality of one’s thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. We are constantly emitting the frequency of our thoughts and feelings as energy.

For anyone who has strong empathic tendencies this is experienced much more intensely and it can be hard to distinguish what is “self” and what is “other” in the energetic soup of life.

We are all prone to be impacted and influenced by this “energetic soup”, especially when we don’t have strong energetic boundaries, a clear sense of self, or practice energetic clearing processes.

What Constitutes Energetic Hygiene?

There are a number of ways to clear or clean energy either in a space or for yourself. Burning plants like sage or palo santo is very effective. There are a number of different sprays or flower essences that are helpful. Certain incense can be used. Salt and salt baths are highly effective. Certain crystals have clearing properties. Charged or blessed water, aka holy water can also be used. Of course all of these are that much more effective when combined with a clear intention.

There are also lifestyle choices that strengthen (or weaken) our energy bodies, and our energetic structures. Not unlike when we treat our physical body well it is less prone to illness or injury. The healthier our lifestyle, the stronger our life-force, the healthier our energy bodies are as well. Drugs and alcohol, including marijuana and hallucinogens, impact our aura and can result in significant long term effects on our energetic structures.

Stress, obsessive or negative thoughts, strong emotions and fear can make us more prone to the impact of the energies around us.

Some of the most effective and powerful tools that I have found for not only clearing energy, but also for creating energetic containers for protection and holding intention come from an ancient magickal lineage passed down through a real Modern Mystery School.

Some of these tools and practices are for protecting and clearing the energy of an individual. They can be used anytime to shore up one’s personal energy and clear away any energies that do not belong.

Other tools are used for creating protection and sacred space in a room or location. Sacred Geometry and Crystal Gridding are two of my favorite ways to powerfully clear and raise the vibration in a room. These are the same principles and practices that have been used in ancient temples throughout time. They keep unwanted energies out and enhance the intention and vibration of the room, impacting everyone who enters.

Energetic Hygiene in Relationships:

On an energetic level our emotional bonds and attachments in relationships form energetic cords. There are healthy expressions of this cording such as the loving bonds between parents and children or intimate lovers. There are also less healthy cords such as when our relationships are based in unhealthy emotional attachments. Cording can also happen when strong negative thoughts are generated towards someone or when there are unconscious attempts to draw on another’s energy. These unhealthy energetic cords can drain our energy, reinforce negative or obsessive thought patterns, or make it difficult to move on from unhealthy patterns or connections. Even between people in loving relationships, sometimes we can form unhealthy cords such as excessive worry, jealousy or even just from a stagnant pattern of relating to one another.

These cords not only reinforce the emotional attachments that formed them, but also create a literal energetic channel between the two parties. This means each person’s energy can have an effect on the other either positively or negatively.

As we grow in awareness we can be more conscious of who we connect with intimately, and how that may impact our energy. Additionally, we can become aware when our energy feels off and we may have undesired energetic cords impacting us.

It is possible to clear these cords with a cord cutting process, which cuts and removes these unhealthy cords, freeing both people to create something new. Otherwise it can take years for these cords to dissolve on their own. It is also important to be aware of and heal the emotional attachment that created the cord in the first place.

Reasons to Practice Energetic Hygiene:

  1. Greater calm and peace

  2. Reduced anxiety and mental chatter

  3. Less prone to outside influences

  4. Clarity of intentions and inner truth

  5. Increased ability to focus

  6. More lightness and ease

  7. Higher vibrational frequency

  8. Resetting and re-establishing one’s energetic space internally and externally

Practicing energetic hygiene ultimately is an extension of self care. It is caring for ourselves on an energetic level, which invisibly impacts so many other levels of our experience. For many, these tools and practices can be life changing and hugely empowering.

To go deeper and learn or experience more about any of the tools or practices mentioned above, schedule a consult with me. I offer cord cuttings, energy clearings, and other healings in my center in Seattle, WA.


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